Children are valued members of our congregation, not just for their future potential, but for their present gifts. They are essential to our celebration of God's presence in our midst. As participants and leaders, children are an integral part of worship, learning, caring and missions at St. Paul’s.
Children’s Ministry events
Children’s Sunday / Bible Sunday - October 20, 2024
Each age group in our Children’s Ministry gets an age-appropriate Bible or Bible Storybook in Sunday School! If your child has moved into a new age group, or didn’t get a Bible last year, they’ll get one on the 16th!
Infant / Toddler: Frolic First Bible
3-5 years: Frolic Preschool Bible
1st-2nd Grade: Spark Story Bible
3rd Grade: Cokesbury NRSV Bible
3rd-5th Grade: Spark NRSV Study Bible
Our 3rd Graders will receive their Bibles during the 11:00 worship service. They will begin the “Learning to Use My Bible” course with Pastor Kate during Sunday School - start date TBD.
Children’s Sunday. Celebrated during worship - October 20, 8:00 am - noon. Worship leaders on this Sunday will include our children, youth who volunteer in children’s ministry, and our children and youth choirs.
Fall Family Fiesta - October 27, 2024, 4-6:00 pm. Costume up and spend a fun afternoon with our St. Paul’s family at our annual Fall Festival! We’ll have games, tamales and other seasonal snacks, plus trick-or-treat booths, prizes and more! Admission is free; tickets for food & games can be puchased on site. Sign up here to decorate a booth, or to volunteer! Email for more information.
Advent & Christmas. Sights, Sounds & Smells of Christmas: December 15th, 4-6 pm & Children’s Candlelight Service: December 22nd, 4:30-5:30pm. Advent devotional booklets illustrated with art by St. Paul’s children will be distributed.
Children & Worship
Children are a vital part of our church family and are always welcome in worship. We are now offering indoor Services at 8:30 and 11:00 am, and if you prefer you can watch St. Paul’s worship services via live-stream at 8:30 or 11:00 am. The same children’s bulletins provided at the church are provided for download on the Upcoming Services webpage.
Nursery care is provided for infants and young children for all worship services, and ushers will be happy to direct you to the Jones Building.
Children in Worship: Children’s worship bulletins are available in the narthex or from an usher.
Advent devotional booklets and Lenten devotional booklets are illustrated each year by St. Paul’s children, and copies are made available in the appropriate season at the top of this webpage. Printed copies are available at the church.
Children’s Church: At the 11:00 am worship service, young children are invited to meet in the center aisle during the second hymn to be escorted to the Jones Building for Children's Church and other activities. At Children’s Church, children learn about our church seasons and celebrations through storytelling and play.
Children’s Choirs: Children in elementary grades are invited to join attend Wesley Singers (1st & 2nd grades) or St. Paul’s Choristers (3rd grade and older). Both choirs rehearse on Sunday mornings during the school year. Choirs learn about worship and provide musical leadership and outreach throughout the year.
The Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion: In the United Methodist Church, the sacraments are a sign of God’s abundant grace and are open to all, regardless of age or level of understanding. Many opportunities are provided for children to grow in their understanding throughout childhood and youth. Baptism is available for infants, children or adults, and children are welcome to share in the feast of Holy Communion. For information about Holy Communion or baptism of infants and children, contact Rev. Kate Flint. To schedule a baptism, contact Dawn Uebelhart.
Seasonal Worship Services for Children: The seasons of the Christian year are joyfully celebrated in worship services with children serving in leadership roles as musicians, readers, ushers and acolytes. Some highlights include Blessing of the Animals, Las Posadas, Children’s Candlelight Christmas Service, Palm Sunday Processional, and Children’s Good Friday Service.
In this period of relatively lower risk, we are adopting a Masks Welcome policy for children, teachers, and parents in all Children’s Ministry activities. As with elsewhere in the church, masks are now optional in Children’s Ministry programs and anyone who wishes to continue masking is encouraged to do so. Our policy may change again in the future based on community spread. Please continue to respect the health and safety of our children and teachers by staying home when experiencing symptoms of any illness (even if negative for COVID) or after known exposure.