This week on the St. Paul’s Stream

Wednesday Noon Communion Service Each Week

Sunday Morning Worship on March 2, 2025
Transfiguration Sunday
Services at 8:30 and 11

Click on the left button below for our Live Stream digital events calendar.
The You Tube link only works when we are live streaming.

St. Paul’s Live Stream
Our live stream network is available 24/7. We run an electronic bulletin board with events and church announcements when we are not broadcasting live services.

St. Paul’s YouTube Channel
The YouTube link is only active during actual live service broadcasts. You can also visit our Service and Sermon Archive to access past broadcasts.

Full Participation in Worship

We are grateful for your presence in worship, whether you’re streaming online or joining us in person. Here are some helpful resources so that you can fully participate in the worship service.

Offering | Your faithfulness in giving empowers the ministries of St. Paul’s UMC Houston that nourish our souls and extend beyond our walls. Please use the button below to give online.

Prayer | Do you have a prayer request you’d like to share with St. Paul’s pastors or our congregational care team? We are here to carry one another’s burdens.

Hymnals | If you would like a United Methodist Hymnal to use during your worship at home, they can be purchased at We also have some used hymnals at St. Paul’s that have been taken out of service. Please email to request one.

Previous Worship Services:
Previous Service and Sermon Archives