“Today is the day
God deplores violence in our homes and streets,
rebukes the world’s warring madness,
humbles the powerful and lifts up the lowly.
And so shall we.”
Emergency Aid Coalition (EAC)
An interfaith organization that collaborates to provide temporary assistance in the form of food, clothing and other basic needs, with an emphasis on serving the working poor.
Volunteer by contacting Marian Bryant at mbryant@eachouston.org or (713) 522-0879.
Food Pantry, Grocery Program, Lunch Program, and Clothing Center
Volunteers are needed weekly on Sundays through Fridays.
Location: 5401 Fannin Street, Houston TX 77004
The region’s leading agency in helping people move from the streets into jobs and safe, stable housing and break free from the cycle of poverty and homelessness. St. Paul’s hosts SEARCH for their Coming Home Program, which is a community building program designed to reduce isolation among homeless people.
Volunteer by contacting Merlene McAlevy at mfmcalevy@gmail.com.
Meeting days are Tuesdays at 5 pm January to June at St. Paul’s.
The Art Tent
A space for people experiencing homelessness to express themselves through visual art by gathering under a tent in the Abraham Station parking lot on Wednesdays.
Volunteer by contact Helen Spaw at hspaw@stpaulshouston.org
Meets on Wednesdays, 10-1 pm in the Abraham Station parking lot (5401 Fannin Street, Houston, TX 77004)
Telemedicine Clinic
A Nurse Managed Telemedicine Clinic is at Abraham Station to serve un- and underinsured clients, especially those experiencing homelessness.
Volunteer to help at the clinic by contacting Rev. Brandi Horton at bhorton@stpaulshouston.org.
Open Mondays and Thursdays 9-2:30 pm at Abraham Station