Children’s Sunday School
The Sunday School hour begins at 9:45 am in the Jones Building with Primary classes for ages 3 through 2nd grade, and GROW for 3rd through 5th grades.
To help us provide the best experience for your child, please complete a Children’s Ministry Information Form.
Sunday School lesson resources for younger children will be provided via this Dropbox folder. If you have difficulties accessing this folder, please contact Rev. Kate Flint.
ages 3 – 2nd Grade
We begin at 9:45 am, with Joyful Noise, a music and worship assembly. At 10:10 am, children are escorted to age-level classrooms for a Bible story, activities and snack. The curriculum, Seasons of the Spirit, is based on the lectionary scriptures read in worship, allowing families to share a common experience each week. Children flourish in their spiritual growth with a balance between listening, singing and moving, creating, and sharing fellowship with their peers.
When you arrive for Sunday School or childcare, please sign in at the front desk of the Jones Building, make a nametag for your child, and label any possessions. Be sure to share any allergies, special needs or concerns with the teachers or staff. At pick-up time, please sign out on the same clipboard. For more information, contact Rev. Kate Flint.
8:30 | Children may join the children’s activities in the Jones Building while parents attend the early service. When they feel ready, children are encouraged to attend worship with their family and exit during the second hymn for Children’s Church. Children meet in the center aisle to be escorted across the Plaza by staff members.
9:45 | The Sunday School hour begins in the Jones Building with “Joyful Noise,” a worship assembly for ages 3 through 1st grade. The gathering includes singing, scripture and prayers. At 10:10 am, children are led to their individual classrooms for the Bible story, art, and activities.
11:00 | Children may remain with the childcare staff while parents attend the 11:00 am service, or you may pick up your child after Sunday School and take them to church. As described for the 8:30 am service (above), children are escorted to Children’s Church during the second hymn.
3rd – 5th Grades
GROW is a specially designed Sunday School program for 3rd–5th graders that meets in the Jones Building Basement at 9:45 am every Sunday morning. We use the Whirl lectionary curriculum which follows the season of the church year and the lectionary scriptures that are read during worship. We begin with a large group assembly then break into age-level groups for more Bible story discussion and activities. All ages are encouraged to attend worship with their families. During the 8:30 and 11:00 am services, children who wish to attend Children’s Church will be escorted from the Sanctuary to the Jones Building by staff during the second hymn. For more information, contact Rev. Kate Flint.
children with special needs
All children have a special place in St. Paul’s family. Children with special needs are welcome to participate in Joyful Noise, Sunday School classes (9:45 am hour), and a fellowship/enrichment time during the 11:05 am hour.
The Special Needs Sunday School program is open to children with developmental challenges or other special needs. In our special needs classroom, we use the curriculum Seasons of the Spirit (adapted by our Special Needs Coordinator to meet our children’s needs), and Godly Play in which we focus on our relationship with God and each other. Dedicated staff and volunteers provide specialized care for your child.
Please email Rev. Kate Flint to set up a visit and begin a Sunday morning spiritual experience for your child.