“Mission is more than just something we do; it is a deep part of who we are as Christians. A missionary has defined mission as “infecting others with hope” I can think of no better definition of what it is to be part of God’s mission—to be signs of hope in the world and to receive hope from others.”
With a heart for education and community vitality, St. Paul's extends the ministry of the church to neighbors in the greater Houston area through our local and global relationships.
We are partnered with the Emergency Aid Coalition Food & Clothing Distribution Center and SEARCH to help care for those experiencing homelessness.
Established in 2021, The Art Tent provides a space for those living outside to express themselves through visual art.
Childhood Education
By partnering with MacGregor Elementary for over 20 years, assist with tutoring, teacher appreciation efforts, and campus beautification to show our kids that we are invested in their future.
Disaster Recovery
After the devastation of Hurricane Harvey, St. Paul’s helped form The Restoration Team to help assist with long-term disaster recovery and continue to have Recovery Work Days on the first Saturday of the month.
Prepare and respond to natural disasters as they occur by being on our emergency response team or donating to UMCOR, which assists with natural disasters in the US and globally.
We walk alongside those immigrating to the Houston area as they navigate a new way of life by partnering with Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston and Advocate for Immigrant Survivors.
Social Advocacy
We recognize and respect the wholeness and sacredness of all people and we hope to build a world where all people are loved and welcome regardless of sexual identity and gender orientation.
Creation Care
We are intertwined with all creation and commit to contributing to the Earth’s wellbeing through proper stewardship and sustainability efforts. Volunteer in our Community Garden or on the Green Team.
Global Relationships
We have long-term relationship is with Evangelical Methodist Churches in Cochabamba Bolivia with mission trips during the summers and connection throughout the year.