St. Paul’s youth group is a community where young people experience God’s love, strengthen their faith, and become rooted in the values that equip them for life. We believe that youth are disciples that can transform the world through the hope in Jesus Christ.
The teenage years are when some of the most important and toughest decisions have to be made. That is why we intend to equip youth will the tools necessary for making healthy and wise decisions, at their current age and to prepare them for the various stages life to come.
The new SPY logo is a design unique to St. Paul's Youth drawing inspiration in the tradition of the mosaic artwork the youth create every year as a part of Confirmation class and are displayed on the walls of the Youth Center.
The mosaic in this SPY logo symbolizes how, in every season of life, we are putting the pieces of our faith together by discovering connection, participating in community, and showing up for relationships. Each of us is unique by ourselves, and yet in community, we are shaped into a larger whole that bears witness to Christ's presence and love in the world.
The SPY logo is grounded in St. Paul's church brand customs by integrating the Jerusalem cross, font, and brand colors. And fits well in the overall look and feel of St. Paul's because of the nod toward these shared characteristics.
Weekly Gatherings
Sunday School | 9:50 -10:45 am Sundays in the Youth Center
Come at 9:30 am for donuts and recreation. We have breakfast, announcements, and weekly classes in the Youth Center. All youth grades 6-12 are invited to join us each week.
UMY (United Methodist Youth) & Confirmation | 5-7pm Sundays in the Youth Center
We provide dinner and a variety of programs that include fellowship, outreach, recreation, and group discussions. Confirmation also meets during UMY most Sunday evenings during the school year.
Mid-Week Get Together | 4-7 pm, Wednesdays in the Youth Center
We have snacks, recreation activities, dinner, and a group Bible study for our weekly after-school gathering. This event is fun and enlightening. We are able to provide transportation from schools within our area, if needed. Contact Tiffin if you need a ride from school.
Girls Gathering | 6:30 - 8:00 pm, Wednesdays in the Youth Center Dinner at 6:30 followed by an evening of connection and fellowship.
Click the button above to find useful links to sign up for events, submit forms, and more.
2024-25 youth Gatherings
Click here for the Youth Fall Gatherings! (you can also see the flyer, below)