Youth Missions & Community Service
St. Paul's Youth Group is committed to teach our youth to hear the cry of the needy and serve them with a humble heart. The time our young people spend helping others deepens their faith and understanding of our call as Christians to love one another.
serving the Church
If there is a massive church event, our youth are there. Whether it is helping to run booths at our annual Fall Festival or being teachers' aides during Vacation Bible School, our youth are encouraged to be involved with the greater St. Paul's community through volunteering their time and gifts. Many of them also serve as mentors for St. Paul's After-School Program for elementary students.
UMY Service Projects
At least once a month, we incorporate a service project into our UMY Sunday evening curriculum. Our youth are humbled to participate in many of these activities that have included but are not limited to: assembling Manna Bags for our homeless, making blankets for patients at Texas Children's Hospital, and hosting dinner for the youth of Covenant House. Come and see what our amazing teens are doing for the Houston community!
Summer Mission Trips
UM ARMY (United Methodist Action Reach-out Mission by Youth) | Every summer, our high school youth take a week long trip to a Texas (or Louisiana) small town and help repair the homes of those in need. Small work groups are made out of all of the teens from several participating United Methodist Churches. The groups have five days to do as many repairs as possible; but, they soon learn that as much as they are repair the homes, they are also repairing the lives of our clients and growing their personal relationships with God. In short, it is a blast!
JUMMP (Junior High United Methodist Mission Project) | The junior high equivalent to UM ARMY is JUMMP. Every summer, our junior high travel to a small town in Texas, split into small groups within our own church's youth group, and have three days make as big of a difference as they can for our homeowners in need. It is a humbling and maturing experience for our junior high to work hard on the homes, hear the stories of hardship and gratitude from the homeowners, and create a stronger relationship with God. Each day, the youth are challenged to step up as leaders both within their work team and in leading worship.
Bolivia | St. Paul's Youth have visited Emmanuel Church and Luz de Vida Church in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Youth have participated in cultural exchange retreats with Bolivian youth from local Methodist churches. Together, they have studied the Bible, worshiped, played sports, and built strong friendships with each other. Our youth also help with basic construction projects and assist in dental clinic efforts.
Friday Summer Service
During summer vacation, St. Paul's Youth Group hosts many Friday Summer Service Projects where our youth spend the morning volunteering and the afternoon cooling down at a nice blockbuster movie. This summer, our awesome teenagers led arts and crafts projects with the children at The Wesley House, packed items for the Emergency Aid Coalition, and created an outdoor classroom for an H.I.S.D. school through Urban Harvest.
If you are interested in participating, please contact Tiffin Wilsford, Director of Youth Ministries, at